
Southern Maryland – Confessions of a New Blogger

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When I began this blogging adventure, I was brimming with content ideas and the excitement of posting an online journal.  In addition to sharing my love of heels and history, I had intended for Lizzy’s Latest to be a hodge-podge of my favorite things. (more…)

The Dr. Mudd House Museum

The Dr. Mudd farmhouse, known as St. Catherine, was an 1857 wedding gift to Dr. Mudd and his wife, Sarah Frances. It is a two story farmhouse on about 218 acres of land. John Wilkes Booth and David Herold banged on the door seen in this pic, bottom right in the early morning hours of April 15, 1865.

The week leading up to Easter in the Spring of 1865 marked a pivotal time in American history.  Confederate General, Robert E. Lee’s hope for a victorious South was dashed with the defeat at Sailor’s Creek on April 6.  This, in part, led to Lee’s sorrowful surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia to Union General Ulysses S. Grant three days later at Appomattox Court House in rural Virginia.  Though other battles persisted for a few more months, this act effectively ended the American Civil War.             (more…)

Dr. Mudd House Museum – Baptism, Babies, and Blessings

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It is rare to have my whole family together all at once.  So, imagine my excitement and anticipation as I made my drive to my brother, Michael’s, house in South Carolina for my Godson’s baptism.  My sister and parents had arrived the afternoon before and were already settled.  (more…)

Bethesda/Rockville, MD – Summer’s Last Hurrah

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I am a practicing Roman Catholic.  So, imagine my curiosity and interest when my good friend from work, Anna, invited me and my dad to her son, David’s, Bar Mitvah at the Magen David Sephardic Congregation located in Rockville, Maryland.  (more…)

Balboa Park – California Dreamin’

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I am excited to share the blog pics for this week because they were taken in San Diego, CA!  My BFF, Tammy, volunteered to be my photographer.  We had discussed locations for the shoot and initially we had planned to take shots in the desert, but we got sidetracked by a drag show. (more…)

Lizzy’s Latest – Nine West Fresh3 Evening Sandals

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Are you like me when it comes to shopping?  Sometimes, I buy too much!  Then, I lose track of the clothes I have bought only to discover them later with tags still on them.  My initial thought in these eureka moments?  “OMGOSH, I forgot I had these!”  Or, which is typical too, “What was I thinking?!” 


Franciscan Monastery – Blue Belle

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One of the highlights of my San Diego trip was a lunch reunion with my Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Morrison.  Though Mrs. Morrison is resistant to most forms of social media (like my mom!), I maintain contact with her through Christmas cards.  Over the years when I would come back to San Diego, my good friend, Eric (family friend and Kindergarten classmate), and I would surprise Mrs. Morrison by showing up at her class door unannounced.  (more…)

Washington DC – Franciscan Monastery – Orange is the New Black

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My love of Civil War history began in 2011 after hearing a radio advertisement for events celebrating the Sesquicentennial Commemoration of the Battle of Bull Run.  The ad roused my curiosity and I began researching Civil War history.  As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, the stories of North and South grip my heart and engage me to do more than just read about the Civil War, but to experience it too.  (more…)

Lizzy’s Latest – White House Black Market Black Suede Lace up Heels

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As you can imagine, one of my favorite things to do is peruse shoes online.  I actually prefer to buy online because in most instances, the shoes come directly from the warehouse.  I like the feeling of knowing my feet are the first to slip into the shoes.  The worst feeling is getting new shoes that have been tried on and stretched.  Gross.    (more…)