Lizzy’s Latest – Happy Valentine’s Day and Start of the Lenten Season!

Happy Valentine’s Day, my lovelies!  How fitting it is that this day of love falls on the start of the Lenten season.  There is no greater example of love than God’s love for humanity that He would sacrifice His only Son, Jesus, for our sins so that we may have eternal life.

Today, Ash Wednesday, I along with practicing Catholics and other Christian denominations will attend Mass and receive ashes in the shape of a cross on our forehead.  The priest will say, “Remember you are dust and to dust you shall return.”  These words are a reminder that Lent is a season of penance and a time to reflect on our own mortality.

For most of my life, I’ve always felt the strength of my Catholic faith.  Yet, there was also a complacency to it.  I attended weekly Mass and Holy Days of Obligations believing that made me a good Catholic.  And for many years, that level of devotion was enough for me.  Then, one day, I began to feel a void in my heart longing for something more.  I was content, but unfulfilled. 

My prayers on this would always lead me back to God.  In hindsight, the Holy Spirit was guiding me towards a deeper relationship with God.  Once I realized this, my journey to increasing my faith flourished!

Since 2020, God has put important people in my life who have shown me ways to increase my faith through practice and prayer.  It started with a suggestion from a passerby no longer in my life who introduced me to daily Rosary meditations through Holy Family School of Faith.  To this day, I pray the Rosary daily and look forward to girl talk with the Virgin Mary talking about anything and everything.

Soon after, I became friends with a greeter at church and she invited me to become a Prayer Warrior for our church prayer group.  This was exactly what I needed for more participation in my faith!  Without hesitation, I accepted her invite.  I never expected that I would need this group for my own family, but in that same time a couple members of my family got really sick.  2021 though 2022 became a very uncertain time for my family, but we persevered thanks to God’s mercy and the prayers from our Prayer Warriors. 

My mustard seed of faith continued to grow!  So, last year, I participated in Bible in a Year with Ascension Presents.  It was the first time in my life that I read the Bible in a meaningful way.  However, I must confess, I didn’t always grasp all the stories because parts of the Bible were simply boring to me.  It was hard to stay focused, but when there was interest, I couldn’t wait to get to the next reading!  For example, look up Numbers Chapter 22 all about an angel and a talking donkey!  Who knew!

This year, I am participating in Catechism in a Year with Ascension Presents and we are 45 days in.  The Catechism simply teaches the doctrine of what it means to be Catholic/Christian.  It’s been wonderful thus far and I am learning a lot!  I highly recommend checking it out if you’re looking to add to your faith and/or are curious.

As I reflect on the last 4 years, I realize timing is everything.  Had these people come into my life before 2020, I am pretty certain they would have just been nice people I met and I would have just continued on with my life.  Instead, I was a sheep ready to come home, a wanderer in need of direction.  Fortunately for me/us, God’s love is so patient in His waiting for me/us to seek Him.  And when I surrendered my will to Him, I received more blessings than I could imagine!  God’s presence in my life was undeniable through unbelievable experiences and faithful people who continue to shape my life and are the springboard of inspiration I seek to catapult me deeper into my faith. 

This Lenten season is a propitious time to restore our spiritual health.  If you’re content, but not fulfilled and no earthly experience or possession can fill that void, perhaps it’s the Holy Spirit nudging you to seek God.  I don’t know.  Only you would know.  Be curious and seek God because if you let Him into your heart, it is the greatest attainment of love! 

I live with an attitude of gratitude every day.  I practice one of Mother Teresa’s motto:  J.O.Y. (Jesus, Others, Yourself).  When chaos interrupts my life, I give it to Jesus and my anxiousness is replaced with peace.  As St. Thomas More proclaimed before he was martyred, “Nothing can come but that that God wills.  And I make me very sure that whatsoever that be, seem it never so bad in sight, it shall indeed be the best.” 

If you’re practicing Lent this year, I encourage you to carry that cross you bear across the Lenten desert and bury each fear, insecurity, and vice with intention!  I’m certain as your load lightens, you will become stronger and more triumphant.  😊 

Wishing all of you a very happy Valentine’s Day and a fruitful Lenten journey filled with prayer, fasting, and almsgiving!   

Style with a Smile!



PS:  These beautiful burgundy boots are the Vivian from White House Black Market.  They feature a laser cut design and are super comfortable.  I paired them with burgundy shorts and a mauve pink sweater.  A sweet look for Valentine’s Day.  🙂