
George Washington Birthplace National Monument – Three Strikes You’re Out

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The weather was spectacular this weekend.  It was the perfect weekend for taking blog pictures and indulging in a history adventure with my dad.  We decided to check out the George Washington Birthplace National Monument.  Perched on the banks of the Potomac River and Pope’s Creek, the locale was perfect for a photo shoot. (more…)

St. Ignatius Church – Oh My Aching Back!

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I never realized typing and texting could be hazardous to my health!  For years, I have typed head and shoulders hunched forward in front of a computer.  Then, when texting replaced talking, my posture further deteriorated becoming reminiscent of our more primitive ancestors.  Of course, posture was rarely on my mind because I never had any serious issues that caused me concern. (more…)

On the Banks of the Potomac – Lizzy’s Latest: Up in Lights

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One concept I would love to learn more about is affiliate marketing for bloggers.  I believe this is an important tool in promoting my brand and reaching new audiences.  My blogger friend, Eccentric Owl, has a great post on affiliate marketing and I wanted to share her post with you.  For now, because of lack of time, I rely on word of mouth advertising from family and friends.  I also post on social media sites like Instagram and Facebook.     (more…)

Port Tobacco, MD – No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

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As a practicing Roman Catholic, one of my favorite weekly activities is attending Mass.  I see it as visiting God in His house once a week.  Going to church is also cathartic for me.  Whatever struggles I may have encountered during the week dissipates as I participate in the Mass.  By the end of Mass my spirit feels renewed, my mind is clear, and I leave with a calming sense of peace. (more…)

Alexandria, VA – Anthony’s Story

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Not too long ago, I had a heart to heart with my co-worker and good friend, Walter.  After commenting about how exhausted he looked, he revealed that his family was dealing with an unexpected crisis.  I could see the worry on his face.  I could sense the fear of uncertainty in his voice as he confessed that his younger brother, Anthony, 22, has been fighting an aggressive form of skin cancer since last August.  The cancer came back a few weeks ago with a vengeance putting Anthony’s young life in serious jeopardy. (more…)

Alexandria, VA – The Ballad of “Nan Goldin”

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The majority of people I interact with on this blog are quite genuine and supportive.  Sometimes, though, motives can be deceiving and sometimes, things aren’t always as they seem.  A few weeks ago, someone named Nan Goldin contacted me.

Antietam National Battlefield – Happy New Year!

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Taking the road less traveled 🙂

Happy New Year!  I hope you had a great New Year’s Eve!  There was a time when I liked to dress up in a sexy pair of heels and dance the night away.  Now, I prefer quieter evenings at home.  I tend to fall asleep around 10PM, but I set my alarm for 11:58PM.  This way, I wake up in time to watch the ball drop and wish everyone a Happy New Year.  🙂 (more…)

Antietam National Battlefield – Christmas Traditions

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Is it just me, or does it feel like time accelerates with every passing year?  As a kid, Christmas could never get here fast enough.  Now, as an adult, Christmas arrives and leaves in a blink of an eye.  My oldest Godson, Andrew, is 7.  I’ve shared 8 joyous Christmases with him.  My grandmother, Carolyn, passed away in 2000.  I’ve spent 16 Christmases without her.  I used to wish I could go back to the 90s when my departed loved ones were still here.  Yet, today I could not imagine life without my Godsons, niece, and young cousins.  (more…)

The Battle of Antietam

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Beautiful mountains and lush forests surround the quiet town of Sharpsburg, Maryland. The tranquility of nature is inviting, like a sublime melody on constant repeat. It is hard for me juxtapose the peacefulness of today with the tragedy of bloodshed and carnage 153 years ago at the Battle of Antietam. It was the bloodiest single-day battle in American history with approximately 23,000 men dead, wounded, or missing. (more…)

Dr. Mudd House Museum – Mind the Gap

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When I was growing up in San Diego, the closest I got to traveling abroad was Tijuana (TJ), Mexico.  TJ was popular among the youth because engaging in underage drinking was highly possible.  😉  In a sense, partying in TJ is a rite of passage for Southern California kids.  At the time, pre 9/11, I didn’t even need a passport to traverse the Mexican border.    (more…)