Shoe Blogger

Lizzy’s Latest – Nine West Fresh3 Evening Sandals

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Are you like me when it comes to shopping?  Sometimes, I buy too much!  Then, I lose track of the clothes I have bought only to discover them later with tags still on them.  My initial thought in these eureka moments?  “OMGOSH, I forgot I had these!”  Or, which is typical too, “What was I thinking?!” 


Franciscan Monastery – Blue Belle

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One of the highlights of my San Diego trip was a lunch reunion with my Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Morrison.  Though Mrs. Morrison is resistant to most forms of social media (like my mom!), I maintain contact with her through Christmas cards.  Over the years when I would come back to San Diego, my good friend, Eric (family friend and Kindergarten classmate), and I would surprise Mrs. Morrison by showing up at her class door unannounced.  (more…)

Lizzy’s Latest – Madden Girl Digitize Caged Rhinestone Dress Sandals

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This summer I got into the jogger pants craze.  I found these orange cropped joggers at Macy’s.  I bought them about two months ago, but never wore them because I could not find a matching top or heels.

Then, while perusing shoes on the Macy’s website, I stumbled upon these Madden Girl Digitize heels.  They are round toe sandals with rhinestone accents.  I bought mine in “bright floral multi” and they are beautiful with purple and yellow with specks of orangey brown.  I knew these would be the heels paired with the joggers.  Now if only I had a top… (more…)

Washington DC – Franciscan Monastery – Orange is the New Black

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My love of Civil War history began in 2011 after hearing a radio advertisement for events celebrating the Sesquicentennial Commemoration of the Battle of Bull Run.  The ad roused my curiosity and I began researching Civil War history.  As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, the stories of North and South grip my heart and engage me to do more than just read about the Civil War, but to experience it too.  (more…)

Lizzy’s Latest – White House Black Market Black Suede Lace up Heels

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As you can imagine, one of my favorite things to do is peruse shoes online.  I actually prefer to buy online because in most instances, the shoes come directly from the warehouse.  I like the feeling of knowing my feet are the first to slip into the shoes.  The worst feeling is getting new shoes that have been tried on and stretched.  Gross.    (more…)

Richmond, VA: Cold Harbor/Gaines Mill/Belle Isle – Simply Stated

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In a June post, I spoke about being complimented on a pair of heels I was wearing while in line for Communion.  What I didn’t mention was that I put these sandals in a donation bag.  I decided to wear them one more time because I could not find anything else to wear.  Go figure!  The compliment saved these shoes and now they are being featured on the blog this week.  (more…)

Lizzy’s Latest – Steve Madden Fringly Sandals

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If you’ve been reading my posts, you know my fling with fringe started with the Report Signature – Noemie T-Strap sandals.  I was so in love with those heels and then the Steve Madden Fringly happened!  Love at first sight…again!  The colors are so gorgeous.  Blue, purple, and yellow!  Not to mention the traditional colors of black, taupe, and chestnut brown.  I was soooo tempted to buy it in blue, but I ALWAYS seem to buy blue.  So, I went out of my comfort zone and chose the yellow which is more of a yellowy-lime in person. (more…)

Point Lookout, MD – Lighthouse – A Fringe Affair to Remember


Don’t you love it when you find an outfit (or a pair of shoes) you weren’t expecting to find?  In fact, you weren’t even looking for it.   Then, in a moment of serendipity you end up with something new to bring home.      

That’s what happened to me when I found this super cute romper.  Let me explain… (more…)

Lizzy’s Latest – Michael Michael Kors Kami Ankle Strap

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I adore yellow in the summertime, but it can be a hard color to wear.  For me, it’s always been about finding the right shade of yellow to compliment my pale skin.  Rich, vibrant colors work well on me, so when I saw the Kami wedge sandals online a few summers ago, I purchased them.  I had no idea what I would wear with them (common issue with shoe addicts!), but I fell in love with the pop of patent yellow and the espadrille detail for the heel. (more…)

Point Lookout, MD – Mellow in Yellow

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Yellow is quite popular this summer.  The trend was seen on runways and many celebrities have made the color a staple of their summer wardrobe.  Even Duchess Kate wore yellow as she presented Princess Charlotte to an adoring audience on the steps of St. Mary’s hospital. (more…)