White House Black Market

Antietam National Battlefield – Christmas Traditions

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Is it just me, or does it feel like time accelerates with every passing year?  As a kid, Christmas could never get here fast enough.  Now, as an adult, Christmas arrives and leaves in a blink of an eye.  My oldest Godson, Andrew, is 7.  I’ve shared 8 joyous Christmases with him.  My grandmother, Carolyn, passed away in 2000.  I’ve spent 16 Christmases without her.  I used to wish I could go back to the 90s when my departed loved ones were still here.  Yet, today I could not imagine life without my Godsons, niece, and young cousins.  (more…)

Lizzy’s Latest – Vince Camuto Nihal T-Strap

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For this heel/outfit combo, I was searching for a location that was serene and unspoiled.  Mount Carmel Monastery in Port Tobacco, Maryland came to mind after I remembered a conversation I had with a priest one year.  Without going into too much detail, he wanted me to talk to a nun at Mount Carmel about religious life.  I had thought about becoming a nun when I was in high school, but that thought dissipated when I started college.  I did as he asked and as magnanimous and humbling a cloistered life in a monastery would be for me, it was definitely not something I wanted to pursue.  I walked the grounds after my conversation and even sat in the little chapel for a bit noting the beauty of this hidden treasure built in 1790.  It was the perfect setting for this chic heel/outfit combo.    (more…)

Mount Carmel Monastery – ‘Tis the Season for Volunteering

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During the early years of the Civil War Sesquicentennial (2011-2015), my dad and I visited many Civil War battlefields and museums for the first time.  After visiting the Museum of the Confederacy (MoC) where the White House of the Confederacy is located in Richmond, VA, I fell in love with Southern history and heritage.  I was enthralled and engaged, but I wanted more.  I had thought about volunteering and my dad even suggested I look into volunteering at the MoC, but it never came to fruition.  Yet, the yearning for something more lingered. (more…)

Lizzy’s Latest – Bar III Janet Ghillie Pumps

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In one of my earlier reviews, I mentioned that Bar III is a private label owned by Macy’s.  The hip and fun shoe line is inspired by top fashion bloggers.         (more…)

Bethesda/Rockville, MD – Neutral State of Mind

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After the Bar Mitvah I wrote about last week, my dad and I spent the rest of the afternoon taking blog pictures.  To take full advantage of time and weather, we take pictures for 3-4 weeks worth of blog entries.  It makes for a long afternoon, but it is well worth the effort to avoid having to take pictures every weekend.     (more…)

Bethesda/Rockville, MD – Summer’s Last Hurrah

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I am a practicing Roman Catholic.  So, imagine my curiosity and interest when my good friend from work, Anna, invited me and my dad to her son, David’s, Bar Mitvah at the Magen David Sephardic Congregation located in Rockville, Maryland.  (more…)

Lizzy’s Latest – White House Black Market Hawaii Sandals

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For this heel/outfit combo, I can’t remember what came first:  the heels or the dress.  Whatever the sequence, I remember my satisfaction when I wore the look to a summer concert, of the boy-band variety, of course.  😉  This time around, it was summer fun at Balboa Park in San Diego, CA.     (more…)

Balboa Park – California Dreamin’

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I am excited to share the blog pics for this week because they were taken in San Diego, CA!  My BFF, Tammy, volunteered to be my photographer.  We had discussed locations for the shoot and initially we had planned to take shots in the desert, but we got sidetracked by a drag show. (more…)

Lizzy’s Latest – Nine West Fresh3 Evening Sandals

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Are you like me when it comes to shopping?  Sometimes, I buy too much!  Then, I lose track of the clothes I have bought only to discover them later with tags still on them.  My initial thought in these eureka moments?  “OMGOSH, I forgot I had these!”  Or, which is typical too, “What was I thinking?!” 


Franciscan Monastery – Blue Belle

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One of the highlights of my San Diego trip was a lunch reunion with my Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Morrison.  Though Mrs. Morrison is resistant to most forms of social media (like my mom!), I maintain contact with her through Christmas cards.  Over the years when I would come back to San Diego, my good friend, Eric (family friend and Kindergarten classmate), and I would surprise Mrs. Morrison by showing up at her class door unannounced.  (more…)