
Lizzy’s Latest – Burnside Bridge at Antietam Battlefield – Merry Christmas 2021

MERRY CHRISTMAS to my family, friends, followers, and visitors!  I can’t believe how fast December flew.  It felt like just yesterday I was writing out Christmas cards.  Now, I will enjoy “Midnight” Mass at 8PM this evening with my parents.  Then after, I will be up late wrapping presents and baking my famous chocolate chip cookies. 

My sister, Jeanette, and my brother, Michael, and his family will arrive tomorrow afternoon just in time for Dad’s legendary turkey feast and chocolate pudding pie – mont blanc, anyone?  😉  I can’t wait!  It is such a joyous time of year for me and my family.

Yet, I also realize this time of year can be difficult and challenging for some.  People who are alone and/or estranged from family and/or friends.  I’ve had years like that in the past growing up and it’s not a good feeling.  Long before my deeper conversion to my Catholic faith (read about it here), I was spiritually lost.  I ignored the true meaning of Christmas and blamed God for whatever suffering I was struggling with, never looking myself in the mirror for the true architect of my misery…me.  (more…)

The Vampire Diaries Convention

When The Vampire Diaries (TVD) Convention came to Washington, DC in 2016, my good friend, Martina, suggested we attend this event so we could finally meet in person.  We had been virtual friends since 2008 when our favorite boyband, The New Kids on the Block, reunited.  We were also big fans of the show and Martina, at that time, frequented many TVD conventions.  (more…)