About Elizabeth H.

Posts by Elizabeth H.:

Lizzy’s Latest – Steve Madden Flapper Fringe Booties


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2016 started off with a bang!  Rather than sleeping in on the first day of the new year, we got up early for this photo shoot.  To preserve as much daylight as possible, we didn’t venture too far out of the neighborhood.  Instead we drove to my dad’s office in Alexandria, VA.  Founded in 1749, the city has been a prominent witness of history since its founding.  I highly recommend a walking tour of Alexandria if you’re ever in the area.     (more…)

Alexandria, VA – The Ballad of “Nan Goldin”

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The majority of people I interact with on this blog are quite genuine and supportive.  Sometimes, though, motives can be deceiving and sometimes, things aren’t always as they seem.  A few weeks ago, someone named Nan Goldin contacted me.

Lizzy’s Latest – Nine West Tailor Booties

WED 1 IMG_8515 FinalWe had dazzling sunshine the day of this photo shoot at the Antietam National Battlefield, but it was blustery and barely 40 degrees.  It was the perfect day for leggings, a tunic sweater, cute brown booties, and kite flying. (more…)

Antietam National Battlefield – Happy New Year!

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Taking the road less traveled 🙂

Happy New Year!  I hope you had a great New Year’s Eve!  There was a time when I liked to dress up in a sexy pair of heels and dance the night away.  Now, I prefer quieter evenings at home.  I tend to fall asleep around 10PM, but I set my alarm for 11:58PM.  This way, I wake up in time to watch the ball drop and wish everyone a Happy New Year.  🙂 (more…)

Lizzy’s Latest – White House Black Market Charlisa Pumps


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The girly-girl in me could not resist purchasing these super classy and cute stiletto heels with a bow adorning the ankle strap.  It is a subtle bow, but it makes these pointed toe heels quite unique, in my opinion.  If you’ve been following my blog, you know I have narrow heels which makes wearing traditional pumps a challenge because my heels keep popping out of the shoe!  So, I tend to buy pumps with ankle straps.  Now, imagine my excitement when I saw these beauties online at White House Black Market about a year or so ago.  I was so thrilled about finding black pumps that were not boring, but had an understated flair!  (more…)

Antietam National Battlefield – Christmas Traditions

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Is it just me, or does it feel like time accelerates with every passing year?  As a kid, Christmas could never get here fast enough.  Now, as an adult, Christmas arrives and leaves in a blink of an eye.  My oldest Godson, Andrew, is 7.  I’ve shared 8 joyous Christmases with him.  My grandmother, Carolyn, passed away in 2000.  I’ve spent 16 Christmases without her.  I used to wish I could go back to the 90s when my departed loved ones were still here.  Yet, today I could not imagine life without my Godsons, niece, and young cousins.  (more…)

The Battle of Antietam

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Beautiful mountains and lush forests surround the quiet town of Sharpsburg, Maryland. The tranquility of nature is inviting, like a sublime melody on constant repeat. It is hard for me juxtapose the peacefulness of today with the tragedy of bloodshed and carnage 153 years ago at the Battle of Antietam. It was the bloodiest single-day battle in American history with approximately 23,000 men dead, wounded, or missing. (more…)

Lizzy’s Latest – Vince Camuto Nihal T-Strap

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For this heel/outfit combo, I was searching for a location that was serene and unspoiled.  Mount Carmel Monastery in Port Tobacco, Maryland came to mind after I remembered a conversation I had with a priest one year.  Without going into too much detail, he wanted me to talk to a nun at Mount Carmel about religious life.  I had thought about becoming a nun when I was in high school, but that thought dissipated when I started college.  I did as he asked and as magnanimous and humbling a cloistered life in a monastery would be for me, it was definitely not something I wanted to pursue.  I walked the grounds after my conversation and even sat in the little chapel for a bit noting the beauty of this hidden treasure built in 1790.  It was the perfect setting for this chic heel/outfit combo.    (more…)

Mount Carmel Monastery – ‘Tis the Season for Volunteering

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During the early years of the Civil War Sesquicentennial (2011-2015), my dad and I visited many Civil War battlefields and museums for the first time.  After visiting the Museum of the Confederacy (MoC) where the White House of the Confederacy is located in Richmond, VA, I fell in love with Southern history and heritage.  I was enthralled and engaged, but I wanted more.  I had thought about volunteering and my dad even suggested I look into volunteering at the MoC, but it never came to fruition.  Yet, the yearning for something more lingered. (more…)

Lizzy’s Latest – Marc Fisher Tailynn Ankle Booties

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I purchased these booties during the height of my enthusiasm for burgundy/wine colored heels.  I knew they would look perfect with this plaid skirt I paired them with.  I was going for a school-girl vibe with this photo shoot.  I even brought along some graduate school books that matched my outfit.  Thank you, Managerial Economics.  😉

The boots are super comfortable with a nice footbed and a heel height of approximately 3 inches.  I had to walk through some gravel as we navigated our way through an elementary school and a high school.  I swung on swings at the elementary school and even attempted to climb on the monkey bars. The kid in me was smiling!  

The boot is an almond toe with a side zip closure.  It has a suede upper and comes in black, dark blue, and dark red (my purchase).  I really love the side buckle because it adds a charming detail to the booties.  These boots are still available at Macy’s in all the colors I mention above, at least at the time of this post.  A quick internet search for “Marc Fisher Tailynn booties” will bring up other options as well.     

I highly recommend adding these booties to your Fall collection.  I’ve gotten several compliments from co-workers, friends, and even strangers.  I love the skinny heels and the wine color is so sexy and in the moment!  Pair them with mini-skirts, leggings, and jeans.  They will definitely amp up your look and get you noticed.    

Style with a smile!