HAPPY HALLOWEEN, my family, friends, followers, and visitors! Hope y’all have had an adventurous and spooky Ghostober! 😊 I know it’s been quite some time since my last post on the 4th of July and I apologize for the long absence. I traveled a lot this summer and also just got back from my annual girls trip with my besties a few weeks ago. You’ll definitely hear about that in an upcoming blog post. Always fun times with my BFFs.
SURPRISE! Lizzy’s Latest is back! 😊 I guess by now, y’all are used to my inconsistent postings. I apologize for that. 2022 has been a very unusual year for me and my family. Two health crises, both unexpected, one resolved (thank God) and the other still uncertain, have dominated my family’s life this year. We’ve acclimated to our new normal, but it can still be scary at times. Yet, our faith is strong. And with faith, comes so much hope. (more…)