Holy Family School of Faith

Lizzy’s Latest – Happy Valentine’s Day and Start of the Lenten Season!

Happy Valentine’s Day, my lovelies!  How fitting it is that this day of love falls on the start of the Lenten season.  There is no greater example of love than God’s love for humanity that He would sacrifice His only Son, Jesus, for our sins so that we may have eternal life.


Lizzy’s Latest – The Lenten Season 2021 Edition

Lizzy’s Latest is FINALLY back with a new post!  It’s been a whirlwind of a month for me!  Work has been crazy busy and I’ve been enjoying weekends with good friends.  On one weekend in particular, my BFF, Packy, and I went skiing.  It was my first time skiing and OH MY, what an experience!  I will definitely detail that adventure in a future blog post. 🙂  (more…)