HAPPY HALLOWEEN, my family, friends, followers, and visitors! Hope y’all have had an adventurous and spooky Ghostober! 😊 I know it’s been quite some time since my last post on the 4th of July and I apologize for the long absence. I traveled a lot this summer and also just got back from my annual girls trip with my besties a few weeks ago. You’ll definitely hear about that in an upcoming blog post. Always fun times with my BFFs.
While photo shooting a few weekends ago, we encountered this skeleton emerging from a manhole. It was part of a Halloween display decorating the town of La Plata, MD. As soon as I saw it, I knew it would make a great prop poking tongue in cheek fun at all the shoe and feet enthusiasts out there. As a shoe blogger, you can imagine the types of messages I get from these admirers…perhaps, that will be a future blog post! 😉
In the meantime, enjoy this Halloween tale about an unsuspecting shoe blogger and a stalking manhole masher in Lizzy vs. the Manhole Masher!
Edgar Allan Poe remained true to his art. He had so many opportunities to lead a life of practicality, but he always found ways to flee complacency. For Poe’s passion was writing and he was determined to earn a living wage through his fictions. He would be the first American writer to attempt this, but his efforts never translated to enduring financial success. (more…)