New Orleans

La Plata, MD: Mardi Gras Highlights – New Orleans, LA (Warning – Adult Content)

Almost every year around Christmastime, my childhood friend, Lee, brings up Mardi Gras.  And every time he brings it up, I hesitate because I loathe crowds and rarely drink.  I would always tell him, “Maybe next year.”  To which he would respond, “Liz, you need to get out more.”   (more…)

La Plata, MD – The Celestial Biker: New Orleans, LA Adventure Highlights: Conclusion

On our departure morning, my Forever BFF, Tammy, had an early morning flight.  I woke up to bid her farewell and stayed up to take one last walk around the city.  My normally directionally challenged self was buoyed by the aid of Google Maps.  😉 (more…)

Richmond, VA – Maymont – New Orleans, LA Adventure Highlights: Part 1

When my Forever BFF, Tammy, and I were discussing possible destinations for our girls trip last year, she suggested New Orleans, LA.  Although, I had visited the city several times over the years, Tammy had never been there.  She had only heard good stories about it from her late friend, Carlos.     (more…)