Heels on the Battlefield

The Battle of Fort Sumter


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The first time I visited Charleston, SC was years before I became interested in the Civil War.  At that time, Fort Sumter was simply an anomalous structure hovering on the horizon of Charleston Harbor.  I remember wondering what it was and then quickly dismissing the thought because I had the beauty of historic Charleston at my feet.  Perish the thought in hindsight!     (more…)

The Battle of Antietam

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Beautiful mountains and lush forests surround the quiet town of Sharpsburg, Maryland. The tranquility of nature is inviting, like a sublime melody on constant repeat. It is hard for me juxtapose the peacefulness of today with the tragedy of bloodshed and carnage 153 years ago at the Battle of Antietam. It was the bloodiest single-day battle in American history with approximately 23,000 men dead, wounded, or missing. (more…)

The Dr. Mudd House Museum

The Dr. Mudd farmhouse, known as St. Catherine, was an 1857 wedding gift to Dr. Mudd and his wife, Sarah Frances. It is a two story farmhouse on about 218 acres of land. John Wilkes Booth and David Herold banged on the door seen in this pic, bottom right in the early morning hours of April 15, 1865.

The week leading up to Easter in the Spring of 1865 marked a pivotal time in American history.  Confederate General, Robert E. Lee’s hope for a victorious South was dashed with the defeat at Sailor’s Creek on April 6.  This, in part, led to Lee’s sorrowful surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia to Union General Ulysses S. Grant three days later at Appomattox Court House in rural Virginia.  Though other battles persisted for a few more months, this act effectively ended the American Civil War.             (more…)