Lizzy’s Latest – Vince Camuto Nihal T-Strap
For this heel/outfit combo, I was searching for a location that was serene and unspoiled. Mount Carmel Monastery in Port Tobacco, Maryland came to mind after I remembered a conversation I had with a priest one year. Without going into too much detail, he wanted me to talk to a nun at Mount Carmel about religious life. I had thought about becoming a nun when I was in high school, but that thought dissipated when I started college. I did as he asked and as magnanimous and humbling a cloistered life in a monastery would be for me, it was definitely not something I wanted to pursue. I walked the grounds after my conversation and even sat in the little chapel for a bit noting the beauty of this hidden treasure built in 1790. It was the perfect setting for this chic heel/outfit combo. (more…)