The Crater

The Battle of the Crater, Petersburg, VA

The Battle of the Crater fascinates me because it was filled with political intrigue, courage, and sorrow.  It was a battle that culminated in a spectacular explosion resulting in death, destruction, and deep regret.  Union General Ulysses S. Grant lamented that it was “the saddest affair I have witnessed in the war.”  When you consider all the atrocities Grant witnessed, that’s quite a statement. (more…)

Lizzy’s Latest – Steve Madden Slithur Caged Sandals

wed-1-img_1358-finalThis photo shoot continues our tour of the Petersburg National Battlefield.  This time we took pictures in an area where a handful of men from the Union army clandestinely dug a mine that reached the Confederate lines.  Once under the Confederate position, the mine was filled with explosives and detonated!  The explosion caused the Earth to tremble propelling Confederate men and artillery into the air and creating a huge crater that was at least 30 feet deep and approximately 120 feet wide!  (more…)

Petersburg, VA – The Crater – Unexpected Surprises


Sometimes, life’s wonderful moments happen unexpectedly.  About a month or so ago, my friend, Bill, surprised me.  He said he would be in my area attending his older brother’s pinning ceremony for promotion to Colonel in the United States Air Force!  I was so happy for Bill and his family because many years before, their father had a similar pinning ceremony when he was promoted to Colonel.  Their military service had come full circle and I can only imagine the pride and joy beaming from their hearts as Stephen was pinned. (more…)