Black Sweater

Lizzy’s Latest – Steve Madden Flapper Fringe Booties


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2016 started off with a bang!  Rather than sleeping in on the first day of the new year, we got up early for this photo shoot.  To preserve as much daylight as possible, we didn’t venture too far out of the neighborhood.  Instead we drove to my dad’s office in Alexandria, VA.  Founded in 1749, the city has been a prominent witness of history since its founding.  I highly recommend a walking tour of Alexandria if you’re ever in the area.     (more…)

Alexandria, VA – The Ballad of “Nan Goldin”

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The majority of people I interact with on this blog are quite genuine and supportive.  Sometimes, though, motives can be deceiving and sometimes, things aren’t always as they seem.  A few weeks ago, someone named Nan Goldin contacted me.